These days, at Lucie Fink’s house, it’s an all-hands-on-deck kind of situation. The popular video and content creator and her husband both have busy, bustling careers. And just weeks ago, they became a family of four. “I am in survival mode right now,” Lucie laughs, “because I have a 3-week-old baby girl and an almost-3-year-old baby boy who's not so much of a baby anymore. We just left New York City and moved into a new house in the suburbs. And we're totally doing this suburban parent thing. We've got school, we've got activities.”
Somehow, the superstar mama made space in her schedule to chat with us during our recent Registry Real Talk and we’re so grateful that she did. Lucie had the best scoop on the products that are making life with two infinitely easier: the onesies that go on and off like a breeze. The baby gear that you don’t trip over in the living room. The gadgets that deliver much-needed rest and peace of mind.
So, whether you’re holiday shopping for a new mom friend or could use some minutes back in your own life, there’s lots here to love. Read on for Lucie’s essentials, everything that’s giving her time and space to breathe a second…and get right back to it:
Easy On and Off Onesies
“The Magnetic Me onesies are life-changing pajama onesies that don't have buttons or snaps, just little magnetic closures. You bust the magnetic snaps open and close them and it saves you probably hours cumulatively in the day.”
A Baby Carrier
“The Solly Baby wrap carrier is one of the best ways for bonding, especially when we go out with our 3 week old. You get to hold them on your chest, and it prevents other people from coming up and, like, getting in their face or wanting to hold the baby, especially during sick season. And it really is just so nice to have them so close to you.”
A Good Book (or Two)
“During pregnancy, one of the books I really loved was Expecting Better by Emily Oster. It’s for anyone who's anxious during pregnancy specifically around questions like, What can I eat? You know, is this prosciutto gonna harm the baby? Obviously, everyone has different opinions on what food is safe to eat. But Emily's book just really infuses science and statistics with the way we feel as moms and makes you feel a lot less anxious about everything that's happening during your pregnancy.
And then I also liked the book Bringing Up Bébé by Pamela Druckerman. The mom is American but living in France. That book was good in the sense of reminding you as a parent that: Yes, you are about to have a baby, but the baby needs to fit into your lifestyle. And once again people have a different approach to this. Some people feel like, Once the baby comes, it's all about the baby and my life is out the window. But if you do want to keep up your life, I would recommend looking into the French style of parenting because it just takes a little bit of pressure off.”
A Smart Baby Monitor
“We've been using Nanit ever since we had our son back in 2021. I was introduced to them through a best friend of mine who had a baby before me. I remember watching her Nanit with her and being so excited for that experience. And now, I finally have the split screen feature for my two kids.
Our Nanit totally saved us a couple of nights ago because recently my son's stuffed animal (which he calls 'Baby') has been falling out of his crib in the middle of the night. He'll wake up and start calling us, you know, ‘I can't find Baby. I can't find Baby.’ Just the other night I happened to open the Nanit as he moved and pushed Baby out of the crib. And I snuck into his room and put her back in, and it really helped. I knew he was going to wake up calling us, and I already have to wake up in the middle of the night to pump. So looking at the Nanit saved me from another middle-of-the-night wake. It was great.”
A Convertible Stroller
“When we lived in New York City, we started out with the Vista V2 stroller from UPPAbaby. I thought it was amazing because it has these big monster wheels, which are really great for the city terrain and walking through snow and sleet. Now, we're using the Doona to get around places, and when we want to leave the house for a walk we've switched to the Mockingbird because it's very lightweight and easily converts into a double stroller. We have all the attachment parts for the bassinet or to turn it into two seats. It’s also like a third of the price of a lot of these other strollers.”
A Reasonably-Sized Bouncer
“My brother just got one of those big baby swings for his baby who's 7 weeks old. And he called me today and said he stubbed his toe on it eight times in the past hour. So if you have a small living space, don't get any of those big items. We had one of those baby-drawn bouncer things that was more of an everyday seat that we could move all around our apartment in the city.”
Clothes That are a Little Too Big
“I personally think it's cute for babies to be in oversized things—especially daytime outfits, not like footies and sleep outfits. And you'll get so much more usage out of them if they are sized up for a little bit older babies. So, if you're going to buy an outfit you really love, maybe size up a few months so that you can get a few extra months out of it.”
A Bottle that Complements Breastfeeding
“If you are planning to breastfeed as a mom, have a lactation consultant (hopefully one within your insurance network) come within the first couple days of the baby being born. It’s such a game changer for identifying problems. With my second, she had a tongue tie that we didn't know was a problem until this woman came. She looked at my baby's latch and told me what would be a good bottle top that, like, matches with my breasts. Everyone's baby clearly latches differently to both the breast and a bottle. So I think it's important to have a consultant.
We're using the Philips Avent glass bottles a little bit, but now we are also using a brand called Pigeon, which is a brand I didn't know. They also have glass and plastic bottles. The glass are pretty expensive, so we just went with the plastic. But the top apparently encourages more of a nipple latch versus sucking with the lips.”
A Playlist for Car Rides
“An amazing hack we found for making long car rides with our son easier is this amazing Spotify playlist. It’s called Storytime with Tula Jane and her Mother in the Wild. It's basically a mom and her daughter reading stories, and they read all of our favorite stories from home. So our son knows them, and it's a cute little girl's voice reading. He gets so excited to hear a little kid. And it's so calming, especially when you're just done listening to kid tunes for, like, a three-hour drive.
One of my favorite things about myself as a mom is that when my son's energy goes up here, mine goes down 20 notches. And I can really see the effect that my energy has on him. Obviously he still has tantrums, he's still a normal toddler. But when I do take my voice down and calm myself, it just makes a world of a difference.”