There will probably be a time in your life when you don’t obsess over your baby’s every burp, nap, bottle, and diaper. But for many new parents, that time hasn’t come quite yet.
In fact, as your pediatrician may well have already shared with you, all that info is a helpful way to be clued into your baby’s overall health. Here’s the thing, though…sometimes keeping track of it all is easier said than done.
Fact: Babies go through a lot of diapers. Sometimes they’ll feed for a few minutes, sometimes longer. If you’re breastfeeding, it can be hard to always remember which side your baby nursed on last. And when was it again that they woke up from their morning nap? It’s a lot to expect any exhausted parent to stay on top of. And it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you try.
Which is why we developed our Care Logs feature. We know how busy you are. We know how important your baby’s wellbeing is to you. And we knew we could help ease your mental load. Perhaps most vitally, we know you shouldn’t have to shoulder it all alone.
What does the Care Logs feature do? In short, it gives you and your caregiving crew an easy way to note down all those important details—when your baby last ate and for how long, their naps, when they pooped—in the same app you’re already using to monitor and track their sleep and milestones. To add a Care Log activity in the Nanit App, simply:
- Open your Activity Tab.
- Tap the “+” button in the bottom right corner.
- Follow the prompts to add an activity.

With Nanit Care Logs, you can track:
- Diaper changes
- Bottle feeding
- Breast feeding sessions
- Naps that occur outside the crib
Here, a few of the reasons we’re so excited for you to give the Care Logs a try...
Nanit Care Logs can help new parents:
Alleviate Stress.
Here’s another fact: Being an adult comes with a long list of to-dos. Paying bills, staying on top of household needs, answering to the necessities of a career. Add a kid or two into the mix and it’s enough to make any responsible human feel like they might crumble. Care Logs take the mental strain of yet another thing to juggle out of your hands, letting you log important details that pertain to your baby into the Nanit app as they happen (diaper change, check!)…and move on. When you need the info, it’ll be there for you, nicely organized along with your Nanit sleep data to help you quickly understand how your baby’s day (or week) has gone.
Boost Your Confidence as a Parent and Help You Make Informed Decisions.
Is your baby eating enough? Sleeping enough? Pooping enough? Because the Care Logs integrates all that info together into the one app, one glance at the Logs and you (or your pediatrician or lactation consultant) will know the answer. Having that kind of data at your fingertips in an organized, easily digestible format helps you make the important decisions parents constantly have to make and feel good about them.
Help You Share Caregiving Duties.
Hopefully, very quickly after learning you were going to be a parent, you gathered your caregiving village around you. Sometimes though, when you’re in the thick of those early days especially, you need a little encouragement to use it. Nanit’s Care Logs helps you do just that. Heading out for your first meal without your little one and need to loop your nanny or a grandparent in on your baby’s schedule? As a member of your parenting team in the Nanit app, they’ll be able to see for themselves all the relevant details. They’ll also be able to make their own entries so that you’ll know exactly how the evening went when you get home. That goes for nighttimes or any times you need to be away.
Also, the Care Logs can be shared with your pediatrician, a lactation consultant, or any other medical professional to help them get a full-picture understanding of your baby’s wellness
It’s amazing how much lighter your parenting responsibilities feel when you know that so many of the important details are right at your fingertips, well organized and easy to see whenever you need them. You’ll be able to have a sense of your child’s overall well being in a quick glance. Decisions will feel clearer and easier to make. And you’ll be able to loop in other members of your parenting team—whether that’s a partner, babysitter, or another family member—so that they can pitch in with taking care of your little one.
For more insights on how the Care Logs works, check out our App Talk webinar and share feedback in the community.