
Abstracts from our cutting-edge think tank of scientists, engineers, physicians, academic experts, and thought leaders
Sleep Health Daylight saving time and sleep in children 4-24 months of age
In this study we report on the effect of the start of Daylight Saving Time on infants’ sleep utilizing objective sleep metrics. 
Sleep Health Phenotypization of infant sleep by videosomnography
In this study we propose to identify different sleep patterns in healthy infants, relying on objective sleep metrics. 
Sleep Health Maternal Values are Associated with How Mothers Feel About Their Infants' Sleep, but Not Infants' Sleep Quality
This study explored the relation between mothers’ values, their infants’ sleep, and their own cognitions about infant sleep. 
Sleep Health Maternal Experiences of Discrimination During Pregnancy are Associated With Maternal Poorer Sleep Health
This study aims to investigate the association between gender discrimination (GD) and postpartum maternal sleep, controlling for infant sleep. 
Sleep Health End of daylight saving and sleep children 4-24 months
This study explores the effects of the change from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time in children 4-24 months.
Pediatric Health & Wellness Extended tummy time is associated with longer nighttime sleep duration in 4-5 months old infants.
In our study, we investigate whether the amount of tummy time is associated with sleep in infants 4-5 months of age. 
Sleep Health Changes in sleep associated with infant teething from 4-18 months of age
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between tooth eruption and changes in sleep. Based on parental report, we characterized symptom duration and how sleep was affected. Las...
Sleep Health Stress around infant sleep is associated with stress around returning to work after paternity leave
This study aimed to asses levels of stress relative to return to work after parental leave among fathers and explore whether they are associated with stress relative to baby’s sleep, job flexibili...
Sleep Health “My Child sleeps poorly, but I just can’t do it”: Parental barriers to behavioral sleep interventions and links to auto-videosomnography.
This study aimed to identify the main barriers of BSI implementation as perceived by parents, as well as possible solutions to reduce the impact of these barriers. We further aimed to compare paren...

Peer-Reviewed Published Studies

Sleep Health Melatonin use in infants and toddlers
The aim of this study was to examine various aspects of melatonin use by caregivers of infants and toddlers in the US.
Pediatric Health & Wellness The feasibility of remote measurement of infant sleep and motor development
The aim of this study was to test the feasibility of two remote data collection methods for studying sleep and motor development in infancy and the relationship between the two.
Sleep Health A preliminary study on the performance of the Nanit auto-videosomnography scoring system against observed video scoring and actigraphy to estimate sleep-wake states in infants.
The goal was to examine the performance of the Nanit auto-videosomnography scoring system as a measure of sleep-wake states in infants compared to observed video scoring and actigraphy.

About Nanit Lab

We've put together a cutting-edge think tank of scientists, engineers, physicians, academic experts, and thought leaders to develop best-in-class research among three primary pillars: Sleep Health, Postpartum Anxiety & Depression, and Pediatric Health and Wellness.